Development and Innovation

At Interprofesional we are committed to research, development and innovation. In pursuit of these goals, we are developing a series of scientific studies with the main research centres across Spain with the aim of identifying the key benefits that Olive Pomace Oil offers consumers.

Through scientific research, we aim to debunk myths, support the quality of one of the best oils in the world and learn about new innovation processes that enable us to promote the production, distribution and consumption of Olive Pomace Oil.

investigacion desarrollo innovacion

Finished scientific studies

icon 1 Olive Pomace Oil as an ingredient in bakery products (tortas and cupcakes): resistance to oxidative degradation and evaluation of bioactive components.

Research centre: Instituto de la Grasa (IG-CSIC).

Project summary:

This study responds to the need to improve the nutritional properties of industrial bakery products such as traditional cupcakes and oil-based cakes with anise essence, which from now on the latter will be referred to as tortas.

Recent nutritional studies have shown that regular consumption of olive pomace oil (45 g/day) contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, proving a healthier alternative to other common vegetable oils such as sunflower and high oleic sunflower. Partial or total substitution of sunflower oil with olive pomace oil, usually used in bakery products such as tortas and cupcakes, could improve their nutritional value and resistance to oxidative degradation or rancidity. Aiming to obtain scientific evidence of the potential of refined olive pomace oil as an ingredient in bakery products, the objectives of this study are:

  • To determine refined olive pomace oil’s resistance to alteration in comparison to sunflower oil, as well as sunflower and pomace blends, under the conditions of bakery food processing, and to assess potential losses of bioactive components.
  • To determine the degree of acceptability of new products by means of a consumer panel test.To determine the resistance to oxidative changes during the shelf life of the products and assess potential losses bioactive components.
  •  To determine the resistance to oxidative changes during the shelf life of the products and assess potential losses bioactive components.
Lead Researcher:
  •  Joaquín Velasco Jiménez (CSIC Research Scientist)

Research team:

  • Mª Victoria Ruiz Méndez (CSIC Scientific Researcher)
  • Francisco Javier Hidalgo García (CSIC Research Professor
  • Rosario Zamora Corchero (CSIC Research Professor)

Lead Researcher profile:

Joaquín Velasco Jiménez is a Research Scientist at the Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC and currently Head of the Department of Lipid Characterization and Quality. His research focuses on chemical, technological and analytical aspects of lipids, aiming to guarantee the quality and/or prolong the shelf life of foods. His research lines seek to understand the physicochemical mechanisms and factors involved in the oxidative degradation reactions of fats and, specifically, the action of antioxidants to prevent food rancidity. He has participated in a total of 22 competitive R&D projects funded by public bodies, in 8 of them as lead researcher, in 16 R&D projects funded by Food Industry companies and in 3 technology support contracts. His contributions include 82 scientific articles in journals indexed in the “Science Citation Index” (SCI), 4 articles in non-indexed journals, 12 book chapters and 49 papers at conferences. He has received the “Edwin N. Frankel Award” from the “American Oil Chemists’ Society” for the article published in 2016 on “Lipid Oxidation and Quality” and has obtained a certificate of excellence for a scientific article published in “Advances in Engineering”.

Partial or total substitution of sunflower oil by pomace oil improves the nutritional properties of traditional cupcakes and tortas, due to the improved fatty acid profile and bioactive components of pomace, which are not found in sunflower oil, such as triterpenic acids and alcohols, as well as aliphatic alcohols, or are present in substantially lower amounts, such as squalene. The levels of these components in the pomace oil remain practically unchanged during the processing and storage of these products. In addition, there is a marked improvement in the quality of both foods, especially in traditional tortas, where sunflower oil is easily degraded during storage. The use of high-quality refined pomace oil can even extend the shelf life of tortas. Moreover, refined pomace oil does not affect the organoleptic properties of both foods.

In conclusion, the study shows that refined pomace oil retains its organoleptic and nutritional properties intact during the preparation and storage of traditional cupcakes and tortas. Therefore, it shows great potential as an ingredient in the industry of bakery products.

Joaquín Velasco, Aída García-González, Rosario Zamora, Francisco J. Hidalgo and M. Victoria Ruiz-Méndez. Olive pomace oil improves the oxidative stability and nutritional value of oil-based cakes with anise essence, a traditional confectionery product in Spain. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 184 (2023) 115081 DOI. Joaquín Velasco, Aída García-González, Rosario Zamora, Francisco J. Hidalgo and María-Victoria Ruiz-Méndez. Quality and Nutritional Changes of Traditional Cupcakes in the Processing and Storage as a Result of Sunflower Oil Replacements with Refined Olive Pomace Oil. Foods, 12 (11), 2125 (2023) DOI. Álvarez, M.D.; Saiz, A.;Herranz, B.; Cofrades, S. Olive Pomace Oil Structuring for the Development of Healthy Puff Pastry Laminating Fats: The Effect of Chilling Storage on the Quality of Baked Products. Foods 2024, 13, 603. (DOI)

icon 1 Use of Olive Pomace Oil as a Fat Substitute in the Preparation of Margarine for Puff Pastry.

Research centre: Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC).

Project summary:

The general objective is to investigate the potential applicability of olive pomace oil (OPO) as an ingredient in the preparation of margarines for subsequent use in puff pastry.

There are two phases to achieving this goal. First, assessing the technological feasibility of OPO in formulating margarines as a substitute for the solid saturated fat present in butter and commercial fatty preparations commonly used in the preparation of the laminated dough. Second, analyzing the technological applicability of margarines made with OPO, which are selected according to the results obtained for the preparation of puff pastry.

Lead Researcher:

  • María Dolores Álvarez Torres (CSIC senior scientist)
  • Susana Cofrades Barbero (CSIC senior scientist)

Research team:

  • Arancha Saiz Carrasco (contract personnel)

Profile of the lead researcher:

María Dolores Álvarez Torres is a CSIC Senior Scientist in the Department of Characterization, Quality and Safety (DCCS) of the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN). Her research activity lies at the intersection of rheology and various processing and preservation technologies which constitute her main line of research: rheological, structural, sensory characterization and texture optimization of fresh and processed foods, through the research rheology and texture of food group (REOTEXTAL). She has participated in numerous national and international research projects, as well as working on contracts with industry. She has taught on various master and training courses; supervised 3 PhDs and numerous master’s and undergraduate dissertations. Susana Cofrades Barbero is a CSIC Senior Scientist in the Department of Meat and Fish Products at the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN). Her research activity is focused on the study and application of technological strategies in the development of functional meat products, as well as assessing their functional effect in clinical studies. She has participated in numerous national and international research projects, as well as working on contracts with industry. She has taught on various masters and training courses; supervised 4 PhDs and numerous master’s and undergraduate dissertations and she sits on the review board for ANEP Projects, as well as for other National and International Agencies.

The results of this project have shown the technological feasibility of using olive pomace oil (OPO) to produce margarines to replace saturated fats present in commercial fatty preparations for laminated dough to obtain a range of bakery products, such as puff pastry, vol-au-vents, croissants, crodots, palmiers, etc.  However, regarding the processing conditions for obtaining margarines with OPO, it is advisable to test preparation at pilot and industrial plant scale to achieve fat crystallization closer to that of commercial laminated fats.

Álvarez, M.D.; Cofrades, S.; Pérez-Mateos, M.; Saiz, A.; Herranz, B. Development and Physico-Chemical Characterization of Healthy Puff Pastry Margarines Made from Olive-Pomace Oil. Foods 202211, 4054. DOI Álvarez, M.D.; Herranz, B.; Saiz, A.; Cofrades, S. Functionality of Puff Pastry Olive Pomace Oil-Based Margarines and Their Baking Performance. Foods, 12 (2023)  2138. (DOI)

icon 1 Characterization and evaluation of the bioactive components of olive pomace oil in fried foods.

Research centre: Instituto de la Grasa (IG) Food and Technology Research Centre of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)

Project summary:

In addition to a fatty acid composition rich in monounsaturated acids and balanced in unsaturated fatty acids like olive oils, olive pomace oil is also characterized by a high content of compounds of nutritional interest, such as sterols, linear and triterpenic alcohols and squalene.

The positive impact of monounsaturated fats in our diet in terms of preventing cardiovascular disease and cancer has been well established and recognized by international food and health agencies. The FDA has stated that daily consumption of approximately 1½ tablespoon (20 grams) of oils containing high levels of oleic acid may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. (FDA, 2018b) and the European Food Safety Authority has reported that “replacing saturated fats in the diet with unsaturated fats helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels” (EC, 2012).

In addition, minor components in oils contribute to numerous nutritional benefits. For example, phytosterols or plant sterols can reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol and subsequently serum cholesterol levels and, therefore, may help prevent myocardial infarction. Squalene is widely used in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and has been attributed anti-cancer and anti-tumor properties. There are many other minor substances in olive pomace oil (carotenoids, aliphatic alcohols, triterpenic acids and others), although due to their low content in the oil and/or low biological activity, the scientific community has paid less attention to them to date.

The general aim of this project is to highlight the added value of using olive pomace oil for frying, analyzing the content and nature of the bioactive compounds originally present in olive pomace oil and after frying, as well as the absorption of these health-promoting compounds in fried foods. Following the research initiated by Dr. Gloria Márquez (also available on this website), this study seeks to establish new scientific proof of the resistance to alteration and the advantages of olive pomace oil in domestic frying of different foods in comparison with oils marketed as the most suitable for frying.

Lead Researche:

  • Dra. Mª Victoria Ruiz Méndez (Research Scientist CSIC)

Research team:

  • Dra. Gloria Márquez-Ruiz (Research Scientist CSIC)
  • Dr. Joaquín Velasco Jiménez (Senior Scientist CSIC)
  • Dña. Irene Pérez de la Rosa (Specialized Technician)

Profile of the lead researcher:

Mª Victoria Ruiz-Méndez, Research Scientist at CSIC, holds a PhD in Chemistry and is a Specialist in Fats (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0750-7915). Since 1991 she has overseen the “Experimental extraction and refining plants” at the Instituto de la Grasa – CSIC. Over her scientific career she has focused on studying the composition of oils, optimizing their refining process depending on their subsequent use and defining the best use of the by-products obtained. Added to this, she has centered on implementing improvements in analytical control for the evaluation of the process and products. She has taken part in many projects, financed by both public and private entities, act as Lead Researcher in 30 of them.  She has more than 100 national and international publications, including book chapters, as well as a licensed patent. She has presented the findings of her research at 75 scientific conferences and her group has been awarded the Edwin Frankel Prize for the best publication in “Lipid Oxidation and Quality” of the American Oil Chemists’ Society (Salt Lake City, 2016). She has supervised 4 PHDs.

Currently, together with Dr. Joaquín Velasco (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4206-3037), he co-leads the research group “Lipid modifications in food”, which aims to study the changes in lipid composition and chemical transformations of oils and fat-rich foods during processing and storage. Together with Dr. Gloria Márquez Ruiz, he collaborates on projects in the field of oil refining. This collaboration began with the study “Chemical and nutritional modifications produced during the heating of edible fats, with special reference to refining and frying processes” (1989-1991) and continues today through various national and international projects and contracts.

The research group has extensive experience in fat and oil frying, conducting studies including the evaluation of frying performance, the activity of natural antioxidants in oils and additives such as dimethylpolysiloxane in continuous and batch frying processes, as well as rapid tests to determine the quality of the oils used.

The findings of this study demonstrate that the frying behavior of olive pomace oil is good. This oil showed levels of polar compounds well below the limit set by the regulation (25%) in frying tests and in fried foods. These values are even lower in terms of actual alteration, i.e. subtracting the content of diglycerides, compounds naturally present in considerable levels in the polar fraction of olive pomace oil and not in seed oils. Olive Pomace Oil shows intermediate stability compared to sunflower and other seed oils and it should be noted that it does not require the addition of the synthetic compound dimethylpolysiloxane (E900), which is present in most of the seed oils marketed for frying.

In the conditions of the continuous and discontinuous frying tests and in the thermoxidation tests, the findings are very satisfactory because:

  • Results show high thermal stability of those unsaponifiable compounds of nutritional interest that define olive pomace oil, such as triterpenic alcohols (erythrodiol and uvaol), triterpenic acids (oleanolic) and aliphatic or fatty alcohols (C22, C24, C26 and C28), which are not present in seed oil.
  • The frying process changes the fat profile of foods: it increases the total fat content and decreases the proportion of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol (in foods with ingredients of animal origin).
  • In the case of frying with olive pomace oil, the distinctive minor components of this oil, such as squalene, triterpenic alcohols and acids and aliphatic alcohols, have also been incorporated into the food, without any preferential differences being observed.

Foods (2021): Stability of Bioactive Compounds in Olive-Pomace Oil at Frying Temperature and Incorporation into Fried Foods

María-Victoria Ruiz-Méndez 1,* , Gloria Márquez-Ruiz 2 , Francisca Holgado 2 and Joaquín Velasco 1

  1.  Instituto de la Grasa (IG), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Campus/Bd 46, Ctra. de Utrera km 1, 41013 Sevilla, Spain; jvelasco@ig.csic.es
  2. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición (ICTAN), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), José Antonio Novais, 10, 28040 Madrid, Spain; gmarquez@ictan.csic.es (G.M.-R.); f.holgado@ictan.csic.es (F.H.)

Correspondence: mvruiz@ig.csic.es; Tel./Fax: +34-954-61-15-50

Abstract: The stability of minor bioactive compounds in olive-pomace oils (OPOs) was evaluated at frying temperature under the conditions of a thermoxidation test. Bioactive compounds analyzed included squalene, tocopherols, sterols, triterpenic acids and alcohols, and aliphatic alcohols. In order to determine the amount of OPO bioactive compounds incorporated into foods after frying, three different kinds of frozen products were selected, i.e., pre-fried potatoes (French fries), pre-fried battered chicken nuggets, and chicken croquettes (breaded patties), and were used in discontinuous frying experiments. Results obtained in both the thermoxidation and frying studies showed high stability of triterpenic alcohols (erythrodiol and uvaol), oleanolic acid, and aliphatic alcohols, naturally present in OPOs. In all fried foods, the content of lipids increased after frying, as expected, although the extent of absorption of OPOs into fried foods and the exchange with food lipids depended on the food characteristics. Overall, frying with OPOs improved the nutritional properties of all products tested by increasing the level of oleic acid and by the incorporation of squalene, triterpenic acids and alcohols, and aliphatic alcohols, in significant quantities.

Keywords: frying; French fries; nuggets; croquettes; olive-pomace oil; triterpenic alcohols; oleanolic acid; squalene; sterols; tocopherols; aliphatic alcohols.

icon 1 Behaviour of Olive Pomace Oil in frying and comparison with conventional and high-oleic sunflower oils.

Research centre: Food and Nutrition Science and Technology Institute – CSIC

Project summary:
Frying is one of the most common culinary techniques and is a widely used practice, both domestically and industrially. It is a very complex process that involves numerous reactions, due to the oxygen in the air, the high temperature and the water coming from the food. The suitability of a frying oil is related, above all, to its resistance to thermal oxidation, and the main variables associated with the oil that influence it are its degree of unsaturation and the nature and content of its minor compounds having protective effects. In addition, there are important differences depending on the type of frying; that is, whether the process is continuous (industrial frying) or discontinuous (domestic frying, in restaurants, fast food establishments, cafeterias, etc.). The behaviour of olive pomace oil in relation to conventional and high oleic sunflower oils has not been evaluated in rigorous and systematic scientific studies. Considering its composition and physiochemical characteristics, this project expects clearly better results for olive pomace oil, due to its high concentrations of oleic acid, than for conventional sunflower oil, even if the latter is rich in antioxidants (tocopherols). With regards to high-oleic sunflower oils whose fatty acid content is similar to that of olive pomace oil, the primary advantage of the latter are its protective frying compounds, such as squalene and phytosterols.

This study aims to provide the necessary scientific basis to demonstrate that olive pomace oil is more suitable for frying than sunflower oils, both conventional and modified “high-oleic sunflower”, in both domestic and industrial frying.

Profile of the principal investigator:

  • Gloria Márquez Ruiz

Profile of the lead researcher:

Gloria Márquez Ruiz is a Scientific Researcher at the Food and Nutrition Science and Technology Institute (ICTAN-CSIC), where he has been working since 1986, and her main research focus is the study of frying oils: quality and stability, development of analysis methods, antioxidant activity, etc. Her research in this field has contributed to the development of new analytical methods for the evaluation of alteration compounds formed in frying and quality control, including the validation of rapid methods for their determination in the hospitality sector, small establishments and cafeterias. She has also extensively studied the influence of numerous variables (temperature, surface area / volume of oil, degree of unsaturation of oil, etc.) on the alteration of different oils, and the effectiveness of different antioxidants (synthetic and natural). The major differences found with regards to the type of frying (continuous and discontinuous) and the interactions between food and oil are also topics addressed by Dr. Márquez in the frying area. She has also carried out research on the digestibility of frying oils and new compounds formed in animal specimens, and on the changes these compounds undergo under gastric and intestinal conditions. Dr. Márquez has published 126 scientific articles and 34 book chapters, directed 6 doctoral theses; and participated in 33 competitive national and international projects, and on 16 contracts with industries and private companies. She has presented the results of her research at 87 scientific congresses and has been awarded the Prize for the Best Oral Communication by the American Oil Chemists’ Society (Indianapolis, 1996), the Prize issued by the Brazilian Society of Fats and Oils for her “Contribution to Analytical Knowledge in the Area of ​​Oils and Fats” (Campinas, 2008), the selection of Lipid Technology (Research Highlights) as one of the best scientific publications in 2003 and 2008, and the Edwin Frankel Award, from the American Oil Chemists’ Society (Salt Lake City, 2016), for the best publication in “Lipid Oxidation and Quality”.

After 7 months of intense lab work at Spain’s Food and Nutrition Science and Technology Institute (ICTAN), attached to the Scientific Research Council (CSIC), it has been shown that Olive Pomace Oil, in comparison to sunflower and high oleic sunflower oils, possesses properties that make it ideal to obtain the healthiest, crunchiest and most golden fried foods. This conclusion was reached after examining three batches of each of these oils, pertaining to different phases of the campaign. All the frying involved potatoes, in every case replicating in the laboratory the continuous (industrial) and discontinuous (domestic) frying modalities. Parameters like the oil’s quality and the modifications that both the oil and the food undergo during frying were analysed.p>

Its composition, rich in oleic acid and exclusive bioactive compounds, like squalene and beta-sitosterol, furnishes Olive Pomace Oil with special properties having a protective effect for the oil itself, making it longer lasting and more stable, and for health, with beneficial effects on the body.

After the results obtained it was concluded that Olive Pomace Oil performs much better when frying than conventional sunflower oils and other similar ones, and even slightly better than high oleic sunflower oils. All this demonstrates the quality of Olive Pomace Oil and its aptness for use in frying, thanks to its properties, duration and cost-effectiveness.

Foods (2021): Performance of Olive-Pomace Oils in Discontinuous and Continuous Frying. Comparative Behavior with Sunflower Oils and High-Oleic Sunflower Oils.

Francisca Holgado 1, María Victoria Ruiz-Méndez 2, Joaquín Velasco 2 and Gloria Márquez-Ruiz 1*

  1. Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Nutrición, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 28040 Madrid, Spain; f.holgado@ictan.csic.es
  2. Instituto de la Grasa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 41013 Sevilla, Spain; mvruiz@ig.csic.es (M.V.R.-M.); jvelasco@ig.csic.es (J.V.)

Abstract: Frying performance of olive-pomace oils (OPOs) as compared to sunflower oils (SOs) and high-oleic sunflower oils (HOSOs) was studied in discontinuous frying (DF) and continuous frying (CF) for the first time. DF is used in household, restaurants and frying outlets, while CF is used in the food industry. Oil alteration during frying was determined by measurements of polar compounds (PC) and polymers. Fried potatoes were analyzed for oil absorption and alteration, color, and evaluated in an acceptability test. Results for DF showed that all SOs reached 25% PC at the 9th frying operation (FO), whereas HOSOs did between the 17–18th FO and variable results were found for OPOs since initial levels of diacylglycerols were different. Rates of formation of PC or polymers were the lowest for OPOs, thus showing the best performance in DF. Specifically for PC, relative rates of formation were 1.00–1.11, 2.46–2.71 and 1.37–1.41 for OPOs, SOs and HOSOs respectively. In CF, OPOs and HOSOs behaved similarly and better than SOs, although none reached 25% PC after 40 FO. The good performance of OPOs can be attributed to the high monounsaturated-to-polyunsaturated ratio, in common with HOSOs, and the additional positive effect of minor compounds, especially β-sitosterol and squalene.

Keywords: frying; high-oleic sunflower oil; olive-pomace oil; polar compounds; polymers; sunflower oil.

icon 1 Evaluation of the health effects of olive pomace oil in healthy consumers and high-risk populations.

Research centre: Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC).

Project summary:

Cardiovascular disease is a highly prevalent pathology in Western societies, causing huge social and health care costs worldwide. The Mediterranean Diet is recognized as an excellent dietary pattern, characterized by the consumption of monounsaturated fats, which are the main components of olive pomace oil, together with a wide range of minor components (triterpenic acids and dialcohols, squalene, tocopherols, sterols, aliphatic fatty alcohols, and phenolic compounds) which exercise potential biological activity that is key to maintaining our health.

The specific aim of this project is to assess the potential beneficial impact of olive pomace oil after its consumption at nutritional doses on biomarkers for cardiovascular health and associated pathologies (hypertension, diabetes, and obesity), by means of two clinical trials conducted on healthy and cardiovascular risk volunteers (hypercholesterolemic terolemics), comparing the impact of olive pomace oil with sunflower oil and high oleic sunflower oil, which are widely used in Spain.

Lead researchers:

  • Raquel Mateos Briz (CSIC tenured scientist)
  • Laura Bravo Clemente (CSIC research professor)

Research team:

  • Raquel Mateos Briz (CSIC tenured scientist)
  • Laura Bravo Clemente (CSIC research professor)
  • Beatriz Sarriá Ruiz (CSIC tenured scientist)
  • Susana González-Rámila (predoctoral contract CSIC)
  • Joaquín García Cordero (predoctoral contract CSIC)
  • Miguel A. Seguido (predoctoral contract CSIC)

Profile of lead researchers:

Raquel Mateos Briz, CSIC senior scientist and associate professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), holds a degree in Chemistry (University of Salamanca, 1995) and a PhD in Chemistry (University of Seville, 2002). Member of the research group Metabolism and Bioactivity of Phytochemicals (BIOCELL), she develops basic and applied research to understand the health benefits of bioactive compounds mainly from plant-based foods. She has taken part in 29 national and international research projects (10 as lead researcher) and has held 18 contracts with industry (5 as lead researcher). Her research findings obtained thus far have resulted in the publication of 115 scientific articles in high impact journals (77% Q1, 47.5% D1). She is also co-author of 3 international patents, given 130 papers at national and international scientific conferences and published numerous book chapters. She combines her research activity with promoting science through projects such as Ciudad Ciencia, Ciencia en el Barrio or the educational initiative she is currently leading, SuperEscolares (www.superescolares.es). Laura Bravo Clemente, CSIC research professor, holds a degree in Biology (Universidad Complutense Madrid, 1988) and a PhD in Sciences (Universidad Autónoma Madrid, 1993). Since 2012 she has worked as a CSIC research professor at the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition, where she served as director from its foundation in 2011 until 2019. She has participated in 57 national and international projects (18 as lead researcher LR), worked on 31 contracts with industry (16 LR) and is co-author of 156 articles, 22 book chapters and monographs, and delivered more than 180 papers at conferences. She is associate editor of the journals Food & Function and Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. As head of the research group Metabolism and Bioactivity of Phytochemicals (BIOCELL), her main lines of research focus on the study of the beneficial health properties of dietary bioactive compounds (mainly phenolic compounds and prebiotics).

After four years of research, the results obtained suggest that olive pomace oil intake could generally improve cardiometabolic risk biomarkers, especially by reducing parameters related to cholesterol, waist circumference and lipid oxidation in healthy and hypercholesterolemic subjects. Furthermore, the positive modulation in the normocholesterolemic group of biomarkers and indices assessing insulin resistance and sensitivity suggest that olive pomace oil consumption could lead to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes in healthy consumers. Overall, the results highlight the health benefits of olive pomace oil, previously unknown, which support the consumption of this healthy oil.

González-Rámila, S., Sarriá, B., Seguido, M.A., García-Cordero, J., Mateos, R. and Bravo, L. Olive pomace oil can improve blood lipid profile: a randomized, blind, crossover, controlled clinical trial in healthy and at-risk volunteers. Eur. J. Nutr., 9 (2022) (DOI: 10.1007/s00394-022-03001-y)

González-Rámila, S., Sarriá, B., Seguido, M.A., García-Cordero, J., Bravo, L. and Mateos, R. Effect of olive pomace oil on cardiovascular health and associated pathologies. Nutrients, 14, 3927 (2022) (DOI: 10.3390/nu14193927)

González-Rámila, S., Mateos, R., García-Cordero, J., Seguido, M.A., Bravo, L. and Sarriá, B. Olive pomace oil versus high oleic acid sunflower oil and sunflower oil: a comparative study in healthy and cardiovascular risk humans. Foods, 11, 2186 (2022) (DOI: 10.3390/foods11152186

icon 1 Protection against Alzheimer’s disease offered by pomace oil, by attenuating the activation of microglia. Phases I-II.

Research centre: Instituto de la Grasa (IG-CSIC).

Project summary:

This study aims to demonstrate that postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, TRL, are capable of activating microglia, but that this activation could be attenuated by incorporating components of olive pomace oil into these particles, which could help prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease. If this holds true, the results of the project would lay the groundwork for the development of new applications of olive pomace oil in health and, specifically, to reduce the development and progression risks associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • The first phase of the study was carried out in vitro, in the laboratory, using microglial cells, which are involved in the inflammatory processes that occur during the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The second phase consisted of a postprandial phase clinical trial on healthy subjects, obtaining and characterizing postprandial human TRL obtained after ingestion of pomace oil rich in its bioactive components.

Lead researcher:

  • Javier Sánchez Perona (CSIC senior scientist)

Research team:

  • José María Castellano Orozco (CSIC senior scientist)
  • Silvia García Rodríguez
  • Mirela Rada
  • Juan Manuel Espinosa

Profile of the lead researcher:

Javier Sánchez Perona has worked as senior scientist at the Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC since 2008. He works on understanding the mechanisms involved in lipid transport and metabolism in humans, as well as on the repercussions of dietary fats and lipophilic bioactive compounds on pathophysiological processes.

The results obtained thus far have led to the publication of 89 scientific articles, two patents, 15 book chapters and four doctoral theses.  He has also taken part in numerous forums and scientific conferences. His work has been awarded numerous prizes including Exxentia de Fitoterapia y Nutrición (2006), IAMED (2007), Best Young Researcher at the 2nd International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL, (New York, 2005) and Best Oral Communication at the II Congress FESNAD (Barcelona, 2010).

The results of the study confirm the initial double hypothesis. First, it confirms that TRLs, fat-soluble substance-carrying particles in the bloodstream, have the capacity to activate microglia cells leading to an inflammatory process. Secondly, it demonstrates that minority compounds in olive pomace oil, such as oleanolic acid, α-tocopherol and β-sitosterol, can attenuate microglia activation.

Therefore, the results suggest that the bioactive compounds in olive pomace oil could have a protective effect against Alzheimer’s disease by attenuating microglia activation. The second phase of the study demonstrates that the observed effects are replicable in humans, with a clinical trial on healthy subjects. Notwithstanding, it is essential to carry out a third phase to test the hypothesis on people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at a primary stage, who present memory problems or incipient cognitive impairment.

José M. Castellano, Silvia Garcia-Rodriguez, Juan M. Espinosa, María C. Millan-Linares, Mirela Rada and Javier S. Perona. Oleanolic Acid Exerts a Neuroprotective Effect Against Microglial Cell Activation by Modulating Cytokine Release and Antioxidant Defense Systems. Biomolecules, 9, 683, (2019) (DOI:10.3390/biom9110683). Juan M. Espinosa, José M. Castellano, Silvia Garcia-Rodriguez, Angélica Quintero-Flórez, Natalia Carrasquilla and Javier S. Perona. Lipophilic Bioactive Compounds Transported in Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins Modulate Microglial Inflammatory Response. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 7706, (2022) (DOI:10.3390/ijms23147706).

Scientific studies in progress

icon 1 Protection against Alzheimer’s disease offered by pomace oil, by attenuating the activation of microglia Phase III.

Research centre: Instituto de la Grasa (IG-CSIC).

Project summary:

This study aims to demonstrate that postprandial triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, TRL, are capable of activating microglia, but that this activation could be attenuated by incorporating components of olive pomace oil into these particles, which could help prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease. If this holds true, the results of the project would lay the groundwork for the development of new applications of olive pomace oil in health and, specifically, for reducing the development and progression risks associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

  • The first phase of the study is carried out in vitro, in the laboratory, using microglial cells, which are involved in the inflammatory processes that occur during the development of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • The second phase involves a clinical trial on healthy subjects, obtaining and characterizing postprandial human TRL obtained after ingestion of pomace oil rich in its bioactive components.
  • The third phase of the study seeks to confirm the hypothesis tested in the previous phases in vitro and in clinical trials with healthy subjects, in people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease at a primary stage, who present memory problems or incipient cognitive impairment. For this project, we hypothesize that these individuals will present alterations in postprandial lipid metabolism that will result in TRL with a greater capacity to overactivate microglia, but that the intake of pomace oil will attenuate this activation. If this holds true, it would demonstrate that the intake of pomace oil can prevent neuroinflammation caused by microglia overactivation, reducing the risk of development and progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Lead researcher:

  • Javier Sánchez Perona (CSIC senior scientist)

Research team:

  • José María Castellano Orozco (CSIC senior scientist)
  • Aída García González
  • Juan Manuel Espinosa
  • Ana Rodríguez Rodríguez

Profile of the lead researcher:

Javier Sánchez Perona has worked as a senior scientist at the Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC since 2008. He works on understanding the mechanisms involved in lipid transport and metabolism in humans, as well as on the repercussions of dietary fats and lipophilic bioactive compounds on pathophysiological processes.

The results obtained thus far have led to the publication of 89 scientific articles, two patents, 15 book chapters and four doctoral theses.  He has participated in numerous forums and scientific conferences. His work has been awarded numerous prizes including Exxentia de Fitoterapia y Nutrición (2006), IAMED (2007), Best Young Researcher at the 2nd International Symposium on Triglycerides and HDL, (New York, 2005) and Best Oral Communication at the II Congress FESNAD (Barcelona, 2010).

icon 1 Erythrodiol in Olive Pomace Oil as a Protective Agent against Atherosclerosis.

Research centre: Instituto de la Grasa (IG) of CSIC.

Project summary:

In general, the overall objective of the project is to evaluate the role of erythrodiol in Olive Pomace Oil as a protective agent against atherosclerosis for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. As specific objectives, the research aims to determine the bioavailability in humans of erythrodiol administered in the form of Olive Pomace Oil; to study the inhibitory effect of erythrodiol on foam cell formation and to study in depth the mechanisms of action of erythrodiol in liver cells.

Lead researcher:

  • José María Castellano Orozco.

Lead Researcher Profile:

Tenured CSIC scientist at the Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC in the Department of Food Characterization and Quality. PhD in Chemical Sciences (University of Seville, 1996). High Specialization Diploma in Fats (MEC, 1988). Since 1987 he has been a member of the Analytical Panel of Tasters for Virgin Olive Oil at the Instituto de la Grasa. Since 2008, lead researcher for the “Bioactive Compounds, Nutrition and Health” Group.

icon 1 Assessment of the Potential Antidiabetic Effect of Olive Pomace Oil. Acute Study and Chronic Intervention in Diabetic or Prediabetic Subjects.

Research centre:  Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN- CSIC).

Project summary:

The research project aims to determine whether consuming Olive Pomace Oil in their diet can improve glucose homeostasis and other risk factors and comorbidities associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus for subjects with glucose intolerance or for patients with established pathology, by examining the effects postprandially and after chronic consumption.

Lead researcher:

  • Laura Bravo Clemente (CSIC research professor).

Lead Researcher Profile:

Laura Bravo Clemente, CSIC research professor, holds a degree in Biology (Universidad Complutense Madrid, 1988) and a PhD in Sciences (Universidad Autónoma Madrid, 1993). Since 2012 she has been a CSIC research professor at the Institute of Food Science and Technology and Nutrition, where she served as director from its foundation in 2011 until 2019. She has participated in 57 national and international projects (18 as lead researcher – LR), 31 contracts with industry (16 LR) and has co- authored 156 articles, 22 book chapters and monographs, and more than 180 presentations at congresses. She is associate editor of the journals Food & Function and Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. Head of the research group Metabolism and Bioactivity of Phytochemicals (BIOCELL), her main lines of research focus on the study of the beneficial health properties of dietary bioactive compounds (mainly phenolic compounds and prebiotics).