About us


ORIVA, joining forces to promote a unique oil

We are Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva (ORIVA), the association that brings together Olive Pomace Oil producers, manufacturers and distributers.

Our mission is to innovate and develop an industry with a long history, always maintaining our commitment to the environment, with the goal of producing a unique food product for the hospitality and food industries and for all consumers to enjoy.

ORIVA is a non-profit association that works to enhance the value of Olive Pomace Oil through communication actions, strategic partnerships and developing research by working on projects with leading institutions and scientists. ORIVA is not a commercial brand, and its mission is purely to disseminate information.

Our goals

To boost knowledge and growth in the domestic market.

Since its creation in 2015, ORIVA has focused on promoting and disseminating information about Olive Pomace Oil with two key aims: to enhance awareness and recognition of the product and boost consumption in the domestic market.

To accomplish these goals, the association’s activities focus on Communication and Research. Within this framework, we address professionals from the Hospitality channel (Hotels, Restaurants and Catering), the food industry (canning factories, packaged snacks, etc.) and consumers in general.

Aware of the importance of joining forces to achieve our goals, ORIVA represents the interests of the whole Olive Pomace Oil value chain. The sum of our efforts is the best way to enhance the visibility of this unique product and position and consolidate it in the domestic market.

ORIVA, the Interprofesional
del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva

In May of 2015 the Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva was founded to promote olive pomace oil and to boost its consumption. Its implementation marked a milestone, as for the first time, an organisation brought together all the members making up the olive pomace oil value chain.

Today the Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva (ORIVA) is comprised of the five main groups responsible for 96% of the domestic production of olive pomace oil in Spain, and 100% of its transformation and commercialisation.

These are our members:

Through a Rule Extension, the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food recognizes the agreement adopted by Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva the objective of which is to develop actions that benefit the olive pomace oil industry as a whole.

Industrywide compliance, with the obligatory economic contribution to promote Olive Pomace Oil, improve information and knowledge about the markets and carry out research, development, technological innovation, and study programs, is required.

This is the third Rule Extension – Order APA/679/2024, of June 24 – effective for the 2024/2025, 2025/2026, 2026/2027, 2027/2028 and 2028/2029 campaigns. Its approval allows continuity to the two preceding regulations: first Rule Extension – Order AAA/1098/2016, of June 29 – and second Rule Extension – Order APA/930/2021, of August 31.

In this way, from October 1, 2024 to August 31, 2029, ORIVA will continue working with a continuous and innovative spirit on the nutritional, culinary, economic and environmental value of Olive Pomace Oil.

The governing bodies and administration of the Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva are its General Assembly and Board of Directors.

Get to know all our members

ORIVA was created to grow. In this process ORIVA is accompanied  by different entities that contribute to the recognition of the Interprofesional as an entity and to the promotion of Olive Pomace Oil as a unique product of the highest quality. Our main allies and collaborators are:

ORIVA and CSIC. Research is one of the cornerstones of the Interprofesional, guided by a firm commitment to innovation and exploring the benefits of Olive Pomace Oil and its components. Thus, we work hand in hand with the “Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas” (Superior Council of Scientific Investigations), one of the most prestigious scientific institutions in the country, with which we have launched various studies to conduct in-depth research into the properties of Olive Pomace Oil and its benefits for cooking, especially frying.

ORIVA and FEHR. With the objective of expanding and spreading awareness and the use of Olive Pomace Oil via the HORECA channel, ORIVA has reached an agreement with the Spanish Hospitality Federation (FEHR), which is comprised of over 270,000 restaurants, bars and cafés. The demand for Olive Pomace Oil by professionals in the hospitality and restaurant business is growing more each day, thanks to its composition and its excellent results in the kitchen.