Cookie policy

On this website, we collect and use data as indicated in our Privacy Policy. One of the ways in which we collect information is by using a type of technology known as cookies. At ORIVA, we use cookies for various purposes.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser (such as Google Chrome or Apple Safari) when you browse most websites.

What is a cookie NOT?

It is not a virus, a Trojan, a worm, spam or spyware, nor does it open pop-up windows.

What information does a cookie store?
Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit card or bank account details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data stored is technical, such as personal preferences, content customisation, etc. The web server does not associate it with you as a person, but rather with your web browser. In fact, if you regularly browse with Internet Explorer and try to browse the same website with Firefox, you will see that the website does not realise that you are the same person, because it is actually associating the information with the browser, not with the person. Enable your cookies
What types of cookies are there?
What are first-party and third-party cookies?

First-party cookies are those generated by the website that you are visiting, while third-party cookies are those generated by external services or providers, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.

What cookies does this website use?

This website uses first-party and third-party cookies. The following cookies are used on this website:

First-party cookies:

List of cookies:

Third-party cookies

This website uses analytical services, specifically Google Analytics, to help it analyse the use of the website by users and to enhance its usability, but in no case are these services associated with data that could identify the user. Google Analytics is a website analysis service provided by Google. The user can check the type of cookies used by Google here.

The Olive Pomace Oil Trade Organisation is a user of the WordPress blog provisioning and hosting platform, owned by the North American company Automattic, Inc. For these purposes, the uses of these cookies by the systems are never under the control or management of the website manager, such that their function may change at any time, and new cookies may be introduced. These cookies do not provide any type of benefit to the website manager. Automattic, Inc., uses, in addition, other cookies in order to help identify and track visitors to WordPress sites, the use of the Automaticc. Inc. website, and their access preferences thereto, as indicated in the Cookies section of their Privacy Policy.

Social media cookies can be stored on your browser while browsing at; for example, when you use a button to share content on a social network.

Below is information about the cookies of the social networks that this website uses, in their specific cookie policies:

La Interprofesional del Aceite de Orujo de Oliva es usuario de la plataforma de suministro y alojamiento de blogs WordPress, propiedad de la empresa norteamericana Automattic, Inc. A tales efectos, los usos de tales cookies por los sistemas nunca están bajo control o gestión del responsable de la web, pueden cambiar su función en cualquier momento y entrar cookies nuevas. Estas cookies tampoco reportan al responsable de esta web beneficio alguno. Automattic, Inc., utiliza además otras cookies con la finalidad de ayudar a identificar y rastrear a los visitantes de los sitios de WordPress, conocer el uso que hacen del sitio web de Automattic, Inc., así como sus preferencias de acceso al mismo, tal y como se recoge en el apartado “Cookies” de su política de privacidad.

Las cookies de redes sociales pueden almacenarse en su navegador mientras navega por por ejemplo, cuando utiliza el botón de compartir contenidos de en alguna red social.

A continuación tienes información sobre las cookies de las redes sociales que utiliza esta web en sus propias políticas de cookies:

test_cookiepersistent15 minutesThis cookie is set by The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the users’ browser supports cookies.

Can cookies be deleted?

Yes, they can. And not only can you delete them, you can also block them in general or for a specific domain.

To delete cookies from a website, go to your browser’s settings, find those associated with the domain in question, and delete them.

More information about cookies

You can check the regulations governing cookies published by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its “Guide on the Use of Cookies” and get more information on cookies on the Internet, at

If you would like to have more control over the installation of cookies, you may install “Do Not Track” programs or add-ons to your browser, which will allow you to choose the cookies you wish to enable.